Emmanuel Keboh
(BSc. Computer Networks student, SLA)
Having been at the University for 3 years (1 year spent on supervised industrial placement), I can't recall ever feeling lost. I have however had brief periods of uncertainties about my study, specifically to do with my career. Fortunately, I received sound support from tutors and dedicated support services at the University that helped shaped my thoughts.
Being a self-sponsored student, I’ve also had uncertainties about meeting the financial requirements of my degree program as unforeseen circumstances tend to make things more difficult. Again, I received amazing support from the University’s student welfare advice team and concerned tutors about what my possible options were.
I believe having someone to talk to made all the difference. With the opportunity to have been more involved at the University, working as a Student Ambassador & Student Learning Assistant since my first year, I certainly have had a stronger sense of belonging here at the University over the years.”
Andrea Enti
(BA Business Management Senior SLA)
I am approaching this from two different points of points of view; one as a student, and the other as a support figure (Student Learning Assistant) within the University.
From my student experience, I feel the University is a space where I am welcomed, supported and guided through many issues. I have always had opportunities to receive feedbacks on my academic work, interesting tips to improve myself and learning important life skills.
On the other side, as a student providing learning support, it is my impression that some students suffer in silence in the University environment, either because they are not able to express themselves appropriately (perhaps due to language barriers in certain cases), or they feel that they are not supported enough during their study.
The best thing the University can work on is to try and improve communication with the students, especially creating spaces for those who are limited by language barriers to socialise and improve their language skills.
Mukai Mhlanga
(Banking and Finance SLA and Senior SLA) went on a fact-finding mission to seek the opinions of students in the Quad about the topic of Uncertainty in Higher Education. The students (who wish to remain anonymous) share their views below reflecting on the time they have spent at Middlesex University so far and looking forward to what the future might hold for them after completion of their studies.
“In the beginning, I felt alone and confused wondering if it was a mistake trying to follow my dreams or my parents’ dreams for me. I recognise how much money I have borrowed in student loans in an effort to realise my dreams. I am now trying to figure out how to fix this and what needs to be done to get out of my financial situation”.
“The fee of £9250 a year for educating students, which to me is 6 months of contact time of slides during lectures, doesn’t make much sense. Even if there is the guarantee of a high paying job, a good part of your life after graduation will be spent paying back the student loan and the chances of building the ideal life will be remote as long as the loan is hanging over your head. Aside from this is the plight of the international students who leave their home countries in search of good education from a reputable university such as Middlesex. The future appears even more uncertain for them due to the current political state of affairs in the UK such as Brexit”.
“Thinking ahead about life after graduation - which is a real life situation that every student will need to consider - ‘Was it really worth it and why does the government want to make so much money out of the students who are new to the world outside of university?’”.