Inspire - a Teaching Fellows' newsletter

Promoting excellence in Learning and Teaching, driven by Middlesex Senior Fellows of HEA with contributions welcomed from all Middlesex staff.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

March 2013 Newsletter

INSPIRE – excellence in learning & teaching at Middlesex

Middlesex University Teaching Fellows                                                                        April 2013

Welcome to the second issue of Inspire. It will be coming to you three times per year.
Feel free to comment on any of the individual items. [Download PDF version]
The full version of this issue of the newsletter is ONLY available via download link (above)

Spotlight on information literacy skills
Traditionally library workshops have tended to be process driven, with students learning how to use resources step by step. Often this teaching would be generic, with students unable to see any relevance to their studies. This is compounded by poor teaching.

Research informed teaching/practice
The research – teaching link offered by pedagogic research can be a way to bring the two processes of research and teaching into a closer relationship, challenging the traditional research – teaching divide by presenting an argument for their mutual interconnectivity through pedagogy.

7 thorny questions ..... to reflect on
Over coffee or in a particularly reflective moment ask yourself and a selection of experienced colleagues some questions. This edition: Learning Technologies.

Video software such as Dartfish ProSuite will be inaccessible for most, but with smartphones and tablets it is now possible to purchase apps that enable users to take video shots that can then be reviewed, annotated, saved and shared.

Top tips
One of the most exciting aspects of working at Middlesex is the linguistic diversity of many of the students, who often draw on two or three different languages in their daily repertoire. Gillian Lazar shares some practical ways we can help them with this.

Student’s eye view
Volunteering is an innovative, self-fulfilling and simple way of improving and developing skills necessary for a professional career as well as day to day life. The knowledge gained as a volunteer is beyond that of a classroom.

Research roundup
A regular feature of the Newsletter, highlighting funding opportunities available and publications focusing on learning and teaching.

A regular listing of conferences with a learning and teaching theme, plus links to other sites listing similar events.

Link to Teaching Fellows Wiki                                            Produced by the University Teaching Fellows