Inspire - a Teaching Fellows' newsletter

Promoting excellence in Learning and Teaching, driven by Middlesex Senior Fellows of HEA with contributions welcomed from all Middlesex staff.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

March 2017

Click here to download and read all the articles below as a PDF




An inclusive approach to promoting stability in the classroom
Dr Doirean Wilson, Business School  

Bags, mags and collaboration
Osbert Parker, Visual Arts and Peter Thomas Learning Enhancement Team

Some thoughts on inclusivity awareness: every little helps
Ed Currie, Science and Technology

Towards the building of an inclusive community: the learning journey of a Student Learning Assistant
Simbo Ajayi, Student Learning Assistant Scheme

Reflection on inclusivity and becoming an SLA
Dhana Letchmann, Senior SLA

My experience of Inclusivity at Middlesex University London
Hibba Butt, Business School GTA

KUWASEP, reflective learning framework for leadership and management development   
Dr Lola-Peach Martins, Business School

Alexandra Pitt, Learning Enhancement Team

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