Inspire - a Teaching Fellows' newsletter

Promoting excellence in Learning and Teaching, driven by Middlesex Senior Fellows of HEA with contributions welcomed from all Middlesex staff.

Monday, 3 March 2014

March 2014 Newsletter

INSPIRE – excellence in learning & teaching at Middlesex

Middlesex University Teaching Fellows                                                                                  March 2014

Welcome to the fourth issue of Inspire. It will be coming to you three times per year.
Feel free to comment on any of the individual items. [Download PDF version]

EDU becomes CAPE
There is a renewed fresh approach to teaching and learning in the University. The new Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement (abbreviated to CAPE) replaced the former Educational Development Unit at the beginning of January.

Welcome to our newest (National) Teaching Fellow, Cath Holmstrom
I am delighted to have been asked to write a brief piece about myself as an NTF who has recently arrived at Middlesex. I joined the social work team in December 2013 as a Principal Lecturer after several years at the University of Sussex, most recently as Head of Department and Director of Student Experience.
GTA - from a student to shaping student learning
Students share the same experiences and emotions as they progress. When faced with their final year projects or dissertations, such negative feelings surrounding their abilities intensify and that is where my role as a GTA fits in.


7 tips to positively engage students
We asked a range of academic colleagues for tips or examples from their own practice for post ‘break’ motivations. Here we share seven of them.

Top tips - managing the physical environment
It is useful for colleagues to think about the physical environment for teaching and effective learning. Always remember a room has significance in its own right. If a room is organised in the wrong way it can easily undermine teaching and learning.

The Adobe Connect Mobile app is a powerful web conferencing communication tool that can be used to support traditional face-to-face, blended and online distance education courses. Already a popular web application, that the University has a licence for, the mobile app runs on smartphones and tablets.

Programme Based Assessment (PASS Project)
The PASS project was funded by the National Teaching Fellowship Project Strand in 2008/9 and spanned from October 2009 - July 2013. PASS was set up to directly confront issues which concern every course/programme leader in HE.

A regular listing of conferences with a learning and teaching theme, plus links to other sites listing similar events.

Book recommendation
"This book showcases the innovative work undertaken in universities, it celebrates achievement and demonstrates the potential for development in practice to all involved in HE teaching."
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